Source code for provit.prov

Provenance class handles provenance metadata information.


from pit.prov import Provenance

#load prov data for a file, or create new prov for file
prov = Provenance(<filepath>)

#add provenance metadata
prov.add(agent="agent", activity="activity", description="...")
prov.add_primary_source("primary_source", url="http://...", comment="...")
prov.add_sources(["filepath1", "filepath2"])

#return provenance as json tree
prov_dict = prov.tree()

#save provenance metadata into "<filename>.prov" file

import uuid
import os

from datetime import datetime
from rdflib import Graph, Namespace, URIRef, Literal
from rdflib.namespace import RDF, FOAF, RDFS

from .namespaces import PROV, PROVIT, SCHEMA
from .utils import load_jsonld
from .config import get_config
from .agent import load_agent_profile

# Initial provenance information for when a source file does not have a prov file
ADD_SOURCE_PROV_ACTIVITY = "initialize_provit"
    "Initialize provenance documentation for source file [automatically generated]"

cfg = get_config()

[docs]def load_prov(filepath, namespace=PROVIT): """ Loads a Provenance Object from the given file path or returns None if no (valid) provenance file was found. :param filepath: :return: """ prov_filepath = "{}.prov".format(filepath) if os.path.exists(prov_filepath): return Provenance(filepath, namespace=namespace) else: return None
[docs]def load_prov_files(directory): files = [] for filename in os.listdir(directory): filepath = os.path.join(directory, filename) if not filename.endswith(".prov") and not os.path.isdir(filepath): prov = None prov_file = "{}.prov".format(filepath) if os.path.exists(prov_file): prov_data = Provenance(filepath) files.append(prov_data) return files
[docs]class Provenance(object): """ Provenance class handles the provenance metadata graph """ def __init__(self, filepath, namespace=None, overwrite=False): """ Initialize object with provenance graph for file :filepath: If no provenance file is available create new provenance graph """ self.graph = Graph() self.file_name = os.path.basename(filepath) self.filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath) if not os.path.exists(filepath): raise IOError("File does not exist") self.prov_filepath = "{}.prov".format(filepath) self.location = os.path.abspath(filepath) self.timestamp = self.namespace = namespace if overwrite: self._set_up_context(namespace=namespace) self.init = True self.entity = self._generate_entity_node() else: g, context = load_jsonld(self.prov_filepath) if g and context: self.init = False self.context = context self.graph = g self.entity = self._get_root_entity() self.namespace = self.context["provit"] else: self._set_up_context(namespace=namespace) self.init = True self.entity = self._generate_entity_node() def _set_up_context(self, namespace): """ Initializes Namespaces and JSON-LD context """ self.context = { "rdfs": str(RDFS), "foaf": str(FOAF), "prov": str(PROV), "schema": str(SCHEMA), "provit": str(PROVIT), } self.namespace = PROVIT def _generate_entity_node(self): """ Creates provenance entity URI """ id_ = "{}/{}".format(self.file_name.replace(".", "_"), uuid.uuid4().hex) entity = URIRef("{}{}".format(self.namespace, id_)) # add entity and entity location to graph self.graph.add((entity, RDF.type, PROV.Entity)) self.graph.add((entity, PROV.atLocation, Literal(self.location))) return entity def _generate_agent_node(self, agent): """ Creates provenance agent URI """ agent = PROVIT[agent] # add agent to graph self.graph.add((agent, RDF.type, PROV.Agent)) self.graph.add((self.entity, PROV.wasAttributedTo, agent)) def _generate_activity_node(self, activity, desc, ended_at="", started_at=""): """ Creates provenance activity URI """ id_ = "{}/{}".format(activity, uuid.uuid4().hex) activity_uri = PROVIT[id_] self.graph.add((activity_uri, RDF.type, PROV.Activity)) if type(desc) == str: self.graph.add((activity_uri, RDFS.label, Literal(desc))) if not ended_at: ended_at = if started_at: self.graph.add( ( activity_uri, PROV.startedAtTime, Literal(started_at, datatype="xsd:dateTime"), ) ) self.graph.add( (activity_uri, PROV.endedAtTime, Literal(ended_at, datatype="xsd:dateTime")) ) self.graph.add((self.entity, PROV.wasGeneratedBy, activity_uri)) def _get_root_entity(self): """ Return the 'root' entity of the prov graph """ # get all nodes of type prov:Entity entities = [s for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((None, RDF.type, PROV.Entity))] # get all entity nodes, which are sources derived = [ o for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((None, PROV.wasDerivedFrom, None)) ] root = list(set(entities) - set(derived)) if len(root) != 1: raise TypeError("Invalid provenance file: cannot locate root element") else: return root[0]
[docs] def iter_remove(self, root_uri): source_uris = [ o for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((root_uri, PROV.wasDerivedFrom, None)) ] for source_uri in source_uris: self.iter_remove(source_uri) self.graph.remove((root_uri, None, None))
[docs] def remove_last_event(self): """ removes the last provenance event and all sources, if they do not belong to the same file """ location = str(self.graph.value(self.entity, PROV.atLocation)) source_uris = [ o for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((self.entity, PROV.wasDerivedFrom, None)) ] new_root_entity = None for source_uri in source_uris: source_location = str(self.graph.value(source_uri, PROV.atLocation)) if location != source_location: self.iter_remove(source_uri) else: new_root_entity = source_uri self.graph.remove((self.entity, None, None)) self.entity = new_root_entity if not new_root_entity: self.graph = Graph()
[docs] def add(self, agents, activity, description, started_at="", ended_at=""): """ Add new basic provenance information (agent, activity) to file """ if not self.init: # create new entity prior_entity = self.entity self.entity = self._generate_entity_node() # new prov entity is derived from old one self.graph.add((self.entity, PROV.wasDerivedFrom, prior_entity)) # add prov information for agent in agents: self._generate_agent_node(agent) # add prov information from agent profile, if available agent_profile = load_agent_profile(agent) if agent_profile: self.add_graph(agent_profile.graph()) self._generate_activity_node(activity, description, ended_at, started_at) self.init = False
[docs] def add_sources(self, filepaths, add_prov_to_source=True): """ Add provenance information from source file (wasDerivedFrom) to provenance graph If source file does not have valid provenance data, a prov graph for the source file is initialized """ if type(filepaths) == str: filepaths = [filepaths] if not type(filepaths) == list: raise TypeError for filepath in filepaths: if not os.path.exists(filepath): raise IOError("Source file does not exist") if os.path.abspath(filepath) == self.filepath: continue source_prov = Provenance(filepath) # create initial prov entry if none exists if source_prov.tree() == {}: source_prov.add( agents=["provit"], activity=ADD_SOURCE_PROV_ACTIVITY, description=ADD_SOURCE_PROV_DESCRIPTION, ) source_entity = source_prov.entity self.graph += source_prov.graph self.graph.add((self.entity, PROV.wasDerivedFrom, source_entity)) if add_prov_to_source:
[docs] def add_primary_source(self, primary_source, url=None, comment=None): """ Adds primary source (+ url and comment) to provenance information """ slug = primary_source primary_source = URIRef("{}{}".format(self.namespace, primary_source)) self.graph.add((primary_source, RDF.type, PROV.PrimarySource)) self.graph.add((self.entity, PROV.hadPrimarySource, primary_source)) agent_profile = load_agent_profile(slug) if agent_profile: self.add_graph(agent_profile.graph())
[docs] def add_graph(self, graph): self.graph = self.graph + graph
[docs] def save(self): """ Serializes prov graph as json-ld and saves it to file """ with open(self.prov_filepath, "wb") as f: f.write(self.graph.serialize(format="json-ld", context=self.context))
def __str__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __repr__(self): return 'Provenance("{}")'.format(self.location) def _build_tree(self, root_entity): """ Recursivly builds a tree dict with provenance information """ tree = {} source_uris = [ o for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((root_entity, PROV.wasDerivedFrom, None)) ] started_at = None # get provenance information location = [ o for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((root_entity, PROV.atLocation, None)) ] # agent agent = [ o for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((root_entity, PROV.wasAttributedTo, None)) ] if len(agent) == 0: agent = [""] # activity activity = [ o for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((root_entity, PROV.wasGeneratedBy, None)) ] if len(activity) > 0: ended_at = [ o for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((activity[0], PROV.endedAtTime, None)) ] ended_at = str(ended_at[0])[:19].replace("T", " ") started_at = [ o for s, p, o in self.graph.triples( (activity[0], PROV.startedAtTime, None) ) ] if len(started_at) > 0: started_at = str(started_at[0])[:19].replace("T", " ") else: started_at = None desc = [ o for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((activity[0], RDFS.label, None)) ] # primary sources primary_sources = self.get_primary_sources(root_entity=root_entity) # get sources data sources = [] for source_uri in source_uris: source_data = self._build_tree(source_uri) sources.append(source_data) tree["uri"] = str(root_entity) tree["agent"] = [str(x) for x in agent] tree["activity"] = str(activity[0]) if started_at: tree["started_at"] = str(started_at) tree["ended_at"] = str(ended_at) tree["activity_desc"] = str(desc[0]) tree["location"] = str(location[0]) tree["primary_sources"] = primary_sources tree["sources"] = sources return tree
[docs] def tree(self): """ Returns of dict tree with provenance information """ if self.entity: tree = self._build_tree(self.entity) return tree
def _get_uri_slug(self, uri): if "#" in uri: return str(uri).split("#")[-1] else: return str(uri).split("/")[-1] def _get_agent_data(self, agent_uri): slug = agent_uri.split("/")[-1] names = [str(o) for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((agent_uri,, None))] homepage = [ str(o) for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((agent_uri, FOAF.homepage, None)) ] types = [ self._get_uri_slug(o) for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((agent_uri, RDF.type, None)) ] if cfg.person in types: email = [ str(o) for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((agent_uri, FOAF.mbox, None)) ] institution = [ str(o) for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((agent_uri, FOAF.member, None)) ] return { "slug": slug, "uri": str(agent_uri), "type": cfg.person, "name": names, "homepage": homepage, "email": email, "institution": institution, } elif cfg.organization in types: return { "slug": slug, "uri": str(agent_uri), "type": cfg.organization, "name": names, "homepage": homepage, } elif in types: version = [ str(o) for s, p, o in self.graph.triples( (agent_uri, SCHEMA.softwareVersion, None) ) ] return { "slug": slug, "uri": str(agent_uri), "type":, "name": names, "homepage": homepage, "version": version, } return None
[docs] def get_agents(self, include_primary_sources=False): """ Returns agent profiles from prov graph """ agents = [] agent_uris = [s for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((None, RDF.type, PROV.Agent))] if include_primary_sources: primary_source_uris = [ s for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((None, RDF.type, PROV.PrimarySource)) ] agent_uris = list(set(agent_uris).union(set(primary_source_uris))) for agent_uri in agent_uris: agent_data = self._get_agent_data(agent_uri) agents.append(agent_data) return {x["slug"]: x for x in agents if x}
[docs] def get_primary_sources(self, root_entity=None): """ Returns the URIs of all primary sources in prov graph """ primary_sources = [ str(o) for s, p, o in self.graph.triples( (root_entity, PROV.hadPrimarySource, None) ) ] return list(set(primary_sources))
[docs] def get_current_location(self): """ Returs the file location of root element """ return self.graph.value(self.entity, PROV.atLocation)