provit browser ============== *provit browser* is the graphical user interface of provit. It can be used to track provenance, as well as intuitive interface to explore existing provenance. If a data file, is selected in the browser a detail view of the accompanied provenance file is opened. It consinsts of a timeline, a provenance graph, and a detail window, where additional information about the currently selected node in the provenance file is displayed. .. image:: images/provit_browser_detail.png Start ----- You start the *provit browser* by simply invoking this in your terminal. .. image:: images/provit_browser_start.png .. warning:: The warning can safely be ignored, as the server will only be started on your machine. Usage ----- After starting *provit browser* you are displayed all your data directories. New directories can be added by using the plus sign at the bottom of the page. .. image:: images/provit_browser_listing.png By clicking on a directory, the contents of the directory are displayed. All files without provenance information have a red background. Inspectable/Explorable files are displayed with a white background. Clicking on a file with disply the detailed provenance information of the file as shown above.